
Final Oral Programme

Final Poster Programme

Conference News

Deadline for Abstracts Submission:

The Organizing Committee would like to announce the postponement of the deadline for abstracts submission: March 31, 2017

Plenary Lectures:

The Organizing Committee is glad to announce that the Plenary Lectures are now fully confirmed. More details in the page Speakers.

Conference Best
Presentation Awards:

The International Society of Electrochemistry will award the Best Oral and Best Poster presentations given by PhD students and young researchers up to the age of 30. More details in the page Conference Awards.

Conference Accommodation Grants:

The Hyceltec 2017 Organizing Committee will offer some accommodation grants to a number of presenting PhD students up to the age of 30. More details in the page Conference Awards.

Special Issue in Electrochimica Acta

The aim of this Special Issue of Electrochimica Acta is to take the occasion of Hyceltec 2017 to publish high quality papers relevant to electrochemistry, pertinent to the general themes of the Special Issue (contributions may not correspond exactly to the presentations given at Hyceltec 2017, but they should anyway be closely related to them), original and in line with the high standards of the Journal.
The Managing Guest Editor of this SI will be Verónica de Zea Bermudez.

According to the new procedure recently introduced by the Publisher, this Special Issue will be published online only. Virtual Special Issues (VSIs) avoid publication delays. As a paper is accepted, it is treated by the Production as a regular paper and is immediately published in a regular issue. At the same time the paper appears on the web in ScienceDirect in a specific location of Electrochimica Acta.

Once abstracts have been collected, a survey will be conducted by the Guest Editor to produce a list of potential contributors to build the Special Issue. Prospective authors will be contacted to get their agreement in advance of the event.

Submission of contributions
Contributions should conform to the instructions of the online Guide for Authors. The required scientific standards are the same as for regular papers.
The length of papers is expected to be that of standard manuscripts submitted to Electrochimica Acta, i.e., UP TO an average of 10 PRINTED pages, corresponding approximately to 30 TYPED pages (12 pt, double spacing) including figures (max 2 per page). Critical reviews may be allowed with pre-agreement of the Managing Guest Editors.
Submitted special papers will be processed online in the office of the Special Issue Editors with the collaboration of the Guest Editor. The journal’s submission, review and decision process will be managed entirely online using the Elsevier Editorial System (EES).

Specific Instructions for submission:
1) Go to
2) Click on the "Submit Paper" option from the top menu.
3) Enter your user name and password (first time users will have to register).
4) Select "VSI: HYCELTEC 2017 Porto" as the ‘Article Type’.
5) Select "Sergio Trasatti" at the "Request Editor" dropdown menu.
6) Follow the remaining step-by-step instructions to submit your paper.

If you have a system query concerning the submission process in EES, please contact For other questions, please contact the Managing Guest Editor

Opening of contributions submission: 24 June 2017.
Deadline of contributions submission: 08 October 2017.


Important Dates

October 18th, 2016
First Circular, Conference Announcement

December 31st, 2016
Second Circular, Website Opening

January 16th, 2017
Registration and Abstracts Submission Opening

March 3rd, 2017
Deadline for Abstracts Submission

March 31st, 2017
Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission

April 24th, 2017
Abstracts Acceptance Notification

May 12th, 2017
Deadline for Early Bird Registration

May 31st, 2017
Deadline for Late Abstracts Submission (only for poster presentation)

June 1st, 2017
Opening for Manuscripts Submission for the Special Issue in IJHE

June 24th, 2017
Opening for Manuscripts Submission for the Special Issue in Electrochimica Acta

September 15th, 2017
Extended Deadline for Manuscripts Submission for the Special Issue in IJHE

October 8th, 2017
Deadline for Manuscripts Submission for the Special Issue in Electrochimica Acta